14th Annual MCCS meeting

October 15th and 16th, 2015 at Cormick Place Convention Center, Room N228, CHICAGO


Rapid advances in molecular and cellular tools are driving the development of cross-disciplinary approaches to explain complex behavior.  The fourteenth annual meeting will focus on recent discoveries in the field of molecular and cellular cognition.  MCCS will host a cocktail social and Poster Session (6:30-9:30PM, 10/15/15, Hyatt Regency Chicago, Regency Ballroom, CD West Tower) and a Symposium (9:00AM-5:00PM, 10/16/15, McCormick Place Convention Center, Room N228). 

Invited speakers: Marina Wolf (Rosalind Franklin), Yi Zhong (Tsinghua U/CSHL), Johannes Gräff (EPFL), Michelle Monje (Stanford), Courtney Miller (Scripps-FL), Guoping Feng (MIT), Stephen Strittmatter (Yale) and Michela Fagiolini (Harvard).  Several symposium speakers will be chosen from submitted abstracts.  The abstract deadline for those wanting to be considered for an oral presentation is September 18th, 2015.  The deadline for submitting an abstract to present a poster is October 2nd, 2015. Registration is free but required. 

Please login to register and submit your abstract at www.molcellcog.org
Poster prizes to a winner and two runners up will be awarded by the research journal Science Signaling. 
Hits: 5295


Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society (MCCS) Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society (MCCS)